Two veggies in NYC

A bride in Central Park. Pic: Carlos Mario Cano R. 

A few weeks ago, we were in NYC. She and I are veggies, and here is what we found.

Several writers, poets like Jose Martí, musicians like Lenny Kravitz, Frank Sinatra, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald,  Louis Armstrong, Alicia Keys… So many people have written special words about New York City. I’m not in that level, even the English is not my first language, but I really loved that city: big enough to understand how minimum is your live, crazy enough to make you think about its frenetic way of being, expensive enough to understand how much money have the people and the countries (specially when you come from Latin America).

If you have the opportunity, please go there. It doesn't matter if it’s for long or short time: go there.
I’m not an American lover, but I do really appreciate how has built NYC: it’s a synthesis of the whole world, the place where everybody was welcomed in the XIX century, the city where you find several nationalities waiting a traffic light.

There are three places I would like to suggest for veggies, because they are good and not so expensive.

1. Chipotle Mexican Grill

Bowls are the best if you have hungry, or if you want a day just with two meals.
Vegan sofritas are really good, just a little bit spicy.
There you will pay for two bowls, two sodas and chips: 33,15

There are ten between Broadway and Battery Park.

2. Shake shack
It was not the best. But we really like the fries, and I enjoyed the Shroom Burger.
For one Schroom Burger, two fries and one Lemonade, we paid: 18,14

 3. A breakfast in Applebee’s
They have two restaurants near Times Square. One close by Madame Tussauds Museum
They have excellent breakfasts for veggies. Unfortunately, I don’t have the check. 
Alert: don’t try to go for lunch. They don’t have options for veggies.

4. If it’s winter: drink Hershey’s hot chocolate in the store
It keeps you warm and energized. It costs five dollars.

Hope it is useful for you. 


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